Sample Applications and Demos2024-05-21T12:06:37-07:00

G3 Sample Applications and Demos

Here, you’ll find a comprehensive guide for developers interested in creating and deploying Qt-based applications on the G3 module, focusing on a “Hello World!” example and exploring other sample applications.

Note: The application-related content in this Quick Start Guide is currently focused solely on Qt development. The G3 module is the first generation of Reach Technology displays that support alternative HMI GUI development solutions. We will add additional content on the other RAD tools over time.

The topics in this section will enable you to:

  • Create your first Qt project.
  • Import and run other projects.

The G3 module has a growing selection of sample Qt applications demonstrating the use of module-specific hardware.

A couple of sample Qt applications come installed on the VM for your use. The bulk of the example Qt applications are available on GitHub.

The sample applications can be downloaded from GitHub.

To clone the Git repository directly from the Linux VM:

  • Open a terminal window.
  • Enter the command git clone https://github.com/jmore-reachtech/reach-g3-qt5-sample-apps.git

Note: The cloned folder (reach-g3-qt5-sample-apps) will be placed in the Home folder in the VM.

Sample applications include:

  • Medical Demo: This is the application you have already used.
  • ModBus: Interact with ModBus devices.
  • CAN Bus: A J1939 app using specific hardware for the tests.
  • GPIO: Excercise onboard GPIO pins.

Plus, more apps, scripts, sound files and images.

As an introduction to building a Qt-based end-product application, we will create the ubiquitous “Hello World!” demonstration using Qt Creator.

Tip: This project demonstrates the expected application paths on the G3 module. Pay attention wherever you see /data/bin (and don’t use something else).

Create a New Project

  • Open Qt Creator. Look for the VM desktop icon or the XFCE menu.
  • Choose one of these methods:
    • Projects -> + New
    • Go to File -> New File or Project.


  • Select Application -> Projects -> Qt Widgets Application.

  • Enter the project name and file location, then click Next.

  • Select the default Build System, qmake, then click Next.

  • Enter your class parameters, then click Next.

  • A translation file is not required for this project. Cick Next.

  • Check Select all kits for the kit(s) to use in this project, then click Next.

  • Click Finish.

  • The new project opens.

  • Delete the main.h file:
    • Expand the Headers folder.
    • Right-click main.h and select Remove.

    • Check Delete file permanently and click OK.

  • Create a QML source file.
    • Right-click the project folder and select Add New.

  • Select Qt -> QML File (Qt Quick 2), then click Choose….
  • Name the file, set the path, then click Next.
  • Add the file to your project… click Finish.
  • Edit the main.qml file:
    • Double-click main.qml to open it in the editor.
    • Replace the auto-generated code with the following…

Note: Replace the width and height numbers shown with the screen resolution values of your G3 module.

  • Create a QRC file:
    • Right-click the project folder and select Add New.
  • Select Qt -> Qt Resource File, then click Choose….
    • Name the file, set the path then click Next.
    • Add the file to your project… click Finish.
  • Set the qml.qrc file properties:
    • Click Add Prefix, and enter a “/” character in the Prefix: text box.
    • Click Add Files, pick your main.qml file, then click Open.
  • Edit the main.cpp file:
    • Double-click main.cpp to open it in the editor.
    • Replace the auto-generated code with the following…
  • Edit the Hello.pro project file:
    • Double-click “Hello.pro” to open it in the editor.
    • Replace the auto-generated code with the following…

Deploy the Project to the G3 Module

  • In the VM, open a Terminal to the G3 module using picocom:
    • Open a terminal window.
    • Enter the command ls -l /dev/ttyU*.

Assuming you set the USB Device Filters correctly when you installed the VM, you should see /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB1 in the output. These are the “COM” ports used to communicate with the G3 module.

    • Enter picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0.
    • After picocom displays “Terminal ready”, press .
    • If you now see a login prompt, you’re on the correct port for the Debug Interface.If not:
      • Open a second terminal window.
      • Enter picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB1.
      • After picocom displays “Terminal ready”, press .
      • If you now see a login prompt, you’re on the correct port for the Debug Interface.
    • Log in as root. There is no password.
  • Stop the currently running user application or demo… if one is running:
    • Enter /etc/init.d/user_app stop
    • Note: It is not harmful to run this command even if no user application or demo is running.
  • Determine the IP address of the module:
    • Enter ifconfig to display your system’s network interface information. The IP address you need is for interface eth0 if using Ethernet, and wlan0 if using WiFi. The IP address value will look something like “” but yours will likely be different.

  • Set the IP address of the target (the G3 module) in Qt Creator:
    • Go to Tools -> Options.
    • Open the Devices tab.
    • Enter the IP address for eth0 in the Host name text box.
    • Click Apply then click OK.
  • Run the project:
    • Click on the little terminal icon near the bottom of the left side toolbar to enter Deploy mode and verify that Yocto -> Release is selected.
    • Click Run (green arrow) to build and deploy the project to the G3 module.
    • You should now see “Hello World!” on the G3 module.

Find and Open a Sample Application of Interest

  • Open Qt Creator.
  • Go to the Examples section on the Welcome screen. Here you will find a list of sample applications provided by Qt authors.
  • Open and run a sample application.
CANBusThis sample application actively interacts with the CANBus connected to the G3BNG* via J20. For detailed G3BNG pinout information,  refer to the "Connector Pinouts and Part Numbers" section of the G3 Manual lock. Additionally, the application interfaces with the Ozen Electronik J1939 Simulator board, providing a comprehensive testing environment. 

* Contact technical support to use the CANBus App with G3MSB modules.
Where do they find this?
GPIOThis sample application provides a practical demonstration of utilizing the general-purpose input/output (GPIO) pins and actively engages with the GPIO pins on J22 of the G3BNG* module. For detailed G3BNG pinout information, refer to the "Connector Pinouts and Part Numbers" section of the G3 Manual lock. This application offers a hands-on exploration of GPIO functionality, showcasing how to interact with external devices and sensors connected to these pins for various applications.

* Contact technical support to use the GPIO application with G3MSB modules.
Where do they find this?
I2CThis sample application provides a comprehensive demonstration of utilizing the I2C bus on G3 modules, employing a MAX44009 digital ambient light sensor. The MAX44009 sensor offers precise ambient light measurement capabilities. Find the  specific board used for this demonstration. By interfacing with this sensor via the I2C bus, the application showcases how to read ambient light levels accurately, making it suitable for various applications such as automatic brightness adjustment, environmental monitoring, and more.

* Contact technical support to use the I2C App with G3MSB modules.
Where do they find this?
System MonitorThe System Monitor project is designed to display various system parameters of the G3 modules without any user interface control. It provides a detailed overview of critical system metrics such as CPU temperature, memory usage, network status, and other relevant information. This applet serves as a monitoring tool, allowing users to quickly assess the health and performance of the G3 module.Where do they find this?
Medical DemoThe Medical Demo showcases a sample display intended for use in a hospital room, featuring numerous controls and displays. This demo is designed to be comprehensive, with many elements to illustrate various features and functionalities. The primary philosophy behind this applet is that it receives data from a serial connection, minimizing the need for extensive calculations or logic processing within the applet itself. Instead, it focuses on effectively presenting the received data in a clear and informative manner for medical personnel and patients.Where do they get this?
Hello WorldAs an introductory exercise in building a Qt-based end-product application, we will create the ubiquitous "Hello World!" demonstration using Qt Creator. Qt Creator is an integrated development environment (IDE) that facilitates the creation of Qt applications. This exercise will familiarize you with the basics of Qt application development, including project setup, user interface design, and code implementation. Through this simple "Hello World!" example, you'll gain hands-on experience with Qt Creator and get started on your journey to building more complex applications.Where do they find this?

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