What You Will Find In Your Development Kit


Find These First

In addition to the display module, here are the items you’ll find in your kit. Additional accessories can be purchased online should you need them for prototyping or to replace items that have broken.

Watch this video to see how to set the G2C1 module up for basic operation.

Other Accessories

These items will come into play later in development.


Let’s Get Started

To start the demo:

  1. Insert the SD Card into the SD Card Slot “J10” on the board.
  2. Locate cable (Part Number: 23-0160-18) and connect the 8-pin PICO connector to the “PWR/RS-232 (J3)” on the board.
  3. Connect the barrel connector from the Power Supply into the power cable jack on the POWER/RS-232 cable.
  4. Plug in the Power Supply power cord.

You will be greeted by a boot screen:

G2C1 loading screen

When the boot process finished, you should be presented with the Qt demo screen. Several demos show various features, including coffee demos for both resistive and capacitive screens. To scroll through the demos, use the buttons on the right (best with resistive screens), or the swipe area on the left (best with capacitive screens).


Embedded Touchscreens Made Easy:
Up in Days, Smoothly to Production. Get started with a Development Kit.

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